Boxes-Be-Gone Iconset ReOpens its Saga!

In a legend long passed and a year long ago,

Once an icon set clashed with a four-cornered foe,

From the ashes of battle, its triumph arose,

But when the fight ended, its saga shut close ...

It declared to be done with the icons it sewed,

But in days long it wandered and wondered alone,

"If I'm roped and enclosed in an ending like stone,

Am I different at all from the box I oppose?"

And beridden with grief at the beast it now posed,

Once again did the iconset rise in photo(shop)

And it vowed now to shelve the lost legends foretold,

To turn legend to fact and delve back to battle,

But this battle was not against boxes or shells,

For this battle was waged ...

To ReOpen itself. 

I can't say I ever expected to be back here again, but with that prelude out of the way, I'm proud to present to you Boxes-Be-Gone ... ReOpened!

Celebrating a year of unboxing and over a thousand downloads, Boxes-Be-Gone: ReOpened reevaluates every icon group under a critical lens and embellishes them with dramatic and bold colors. Several groups had their color design overhauled entirely, such as the defensive icons being revamped from their weird yellow to a cool blue. Included in the images above is a side by side comparison of the Classical Version to the ReOpened Version, for those who are curious.

With countless enhancements and an entirely refurbished gradient design, Boxes-Be-Gone: ReOpened is undoubtedly the definitive version of the icon set for newcomers and long-time users alike. You can find the download on the original Boxes-Be-Gone page, so drop by if you're interested.

 When I first cast this icon set out into the open, never would I have imagined  people would support it as much they have. Seriously. This updates goes back out in honor of you, the people, for the support you've given this set.  And now, with this remastered version, will the tale of our box-fighting icon set finally end? No one knows for sure, but if Boxes-Be-Gone does continue to live on in the games of aspiring creators, then perhaps it truly shall remain opened and unboxed ... forever.

Get Boxes-Be-Gone Icon Set [32x32] [RPGMaker] [Free]

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